Arocha Hair Restoration

When Is the Best Time of Year to Get Hair Transplant Surgery?

Jan 5, 2024 @ 10:58 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Transplants

Many people believe they look best with a full, healthy head of hair. Unfortunately, genetics, age, and environmental factors can lead to thinning and hair loss. In many situations, hair restoration or a transplant is the best way to restore the hairline.

Dr. Bernardino Arocho offers several hair restoration techniques, including FUE and FUT hair transplants, at his hair transplant clinic. With treatment, Dr. Arocha can give his Houston, TX, patients the thick hair they desire. When planning treatment, patients frequently ask, "What time of the year is best to get a hair transplant?" Here, we discuss the pros and cons of hair restoration in different seasons throughout the year.

Hair Transplant in Summer

The summer is a popular time for people to schedule medical procedures, including elective surgery. Many people prefer to address personal needs in the summer because it can be easier to take time away from work at that time, and children are off of school, which eases some responsibilities and provides some extra free time.

If a patient's schedule permits, summer can be a good time for a hair transplant, provided precautions are taken. Summer months tend to be warm and sunny. Unfortunately, harsh UV rays can interfere with healing, and if the scalp sweats, that could also prolong recovery. If patients have a hair transplant in the summer, we advise them to avoid the sun and stay indoors in cooler climates as much as possible. Hair transplant patients must also avoid swimming for at least 10 days after their procedure.

Hair Transplant in Winter

The winter can be a great time to get a hair transplant. Many people lead more dormant lifestyles in the winter, staying indoors to avoid snow or other harsh weather conditions. This laid-back lifestyle is ideal for setting aside time for surgical recovery, and since the weather is cooler, patients don't need to worry as much about sweating or UV-ray exposure.

Just as with the summer, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when scheduling a hair transplant in the winter. People usually bundle up to stay warm in the winter, which includes wearing warm hats. Hats can interfere with hair transplant recovery, so patients must refrain from wearing them the first several days after a hair transplant. Patients must be sure they will have time to stay indoors and rest and recover after their transplant.

Hair Transplant in Spring or Fall

The weather in the fall and spring is more temperate, so these are often ideal seasons for a hair transplant at our Houston practice, provided patients can make time in their schedule for treatment and recovery.

Scheduling Surgery on Your Timeframe

The techniques utilized in hair transplant surgery are not dependent on the weather. As long as patients make time in their schedule for recovery and follow all post-surgical care instructions, treatment should be a success. We are happy to work with patients and schedule hair transplant treatment around their personal scheduling needs.

Contact Us

If hair thinning or loss has left you feeling self-conscious about your appearance, you may be an ideal candidate for a hair transplant. To learn more about the techniques offered at Arocha Hair Restoration in Houston, send us a message online at your earliest convenience.