Arocha Hair Restoration

Beard Transplants: What to Expect from the Procedure

Apr 16, 2023 @ 10:00 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Beard Transplants

Do you want a beard but don’t like the way your facial hair grows in? Maybe there are bald spots on your face or patches that don’t seem to be as full as you want them to be. These are common reasons people get hair transplants for beards. The results can be quite natural looking and effective, which is why many patients have come to our office in Houston, TX.

The team at Arocha Hair Restoration would like to go over the basics of the beard transplant process. This should help you understand why people are going to professionals to help fill out their existing facial hair.

How Does a Beard Transplant Work?

A beard transplant is a way of improving the shape and fullness of your beard. It’s one of many different facial hair transplantation options available.

A beard transplant is similar to a hair restoration surgery performed on the scalp. Donor hair is taken from the back of the scalp to fill out the hairless patches of the chin and face.

The Initial Consultation for a Beard Transplant Procedure

During the initial consultation for a beard transplant, we’ll discuss your goals and assess your current facial hair. We’ll note where hair doesn’t grow on your cheeks or chin and discuss what kind of beard shape and hair density you’d like to achieve.

This consultation is a great opportunity to ask any additional questions or get some insight into the procedure before you decide if it’s right for you.

Which Hair Transplant Technique Is Used for Beards?

Arocha Hair Restoration performs both follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT), but the right option for a patient really depends. This is why the consultation at our Houston office is so important. We can go over your goals while also determining which surgical technique would be best to achieve these goals.

The Beard Transplant: What to Expect on the Day of Surgery

You’ll come to our on-site medical suites for surgery, which will take a few hours depending on the nature and extent of work required.

You will be sedated and local anesthetic is used. You will not be able to feel the follicles being harvested from the back of your scalp or placed into the cheek or chin area.

How Many Beard Transplant Sessions Will I Need?

Many beard transplants are completed in a single session. Some patients may need up to three sessions to achieve their goals.

Healing After Beard Transplant Surgery

Visual healing of the surgical sites should take about four days. Patients can expect some swelling and bruising that will resolve within a week or two. We’ll provide detailed aftercare instructions for the weeks and months ahead to help you avoid complications.

The Results of Beard Transplant Surgery

The final results of beard transplant surgery can take up to 18 months. By the end of one year, patients should see a marked improvement in the appearance of their facial hair.

Want More Info on Beard Transplants? Set Up an Appointment

Does a beard transplant sound like a good option for you? Would you like to get more answers to common questions about the procedure? If so, come to our hair transplant surgery office in Houston. To set up an appointment, contact our hair restoration surgery center.