Arocha Hair Restoration

Donor Scars

Jul 6, 2010 @ 04:22 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Arocha Hair Restoration Donor Scars Hair Restoration Hair Transplants Recovery

Below are some examples of donor scars at Arocha Hair Restoration from strip procedures. Dr. Arocha employs two layer closures on all cases to minimize tension. When appropriate he employs trichophytic closure technique to allow hair to grow through the scar, making an already hard to see scar, even less visible. Employing these refined techniques ensures the best possible scars for our patients.

Post-Op Scars Immediately after surgery, two layer closure.

Scars Rapid healing of wound, sutures still in place, with one week hair growth enough to make wound not visible.

Scars Completely invisible scar a few months after the procedure.

Scars Well healed scar which is nearly invisible, note the slightly increased scar at the site of greatest tension the junction between the horizontal (coronal) and the vertical (sagital).

Donor Scars One year after surgery, fine well heal scar is nearly invisible.

For more examples, visit the FUT Donor Scars Gallery on our website.