Arocha Hair Restoration

Do You Need Revision Hair Transplant Surgery for an Old Procedure?

Nov 10, 2017 @ 01:14 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Transplants Revision Hair Transplants

Modern hair transplant surgery has come a long way since the days of the now infamous “hair plug” procedures. Modern hair restoration procedures, like follicular unit extraction (FUE) and follicular unit transplantation (FUT), can create natural-looking hairlines and effectively fill in bald spots for long-lasting results that will leave you satisfied with your hair for years to come.

With advancements in modern hair transplant surgery comes the ability for revision hair transplant to correct mistakes from past procedures. Dr. Arocha is an expert in revision hair transplant and can work with your concerns to create natural looking, full-bodied hair.

Who is a Candidate for Revision Hair Transplant?

Revision hair transplant can rectify a number of issues from past procedures.

Older procedures weren’t capable of removing individual follicular units, instead relying on removing and transplanting small groupings of hairs. This led to large gaps between the transplanted groupings and a look that only got worse as further hair loss made the plugs more apparent. If you had hair restoration surgery 20 or 30 years ago and are embarrassed by the unnatural “pluggy” look of an outdated procedure, modern techniques can smooth out your hairline.

Revision hair transplant can also fix mistakes from past procedures, including unnatural looking hairlines or a noticeable amount of density in the transplant zones that doesn’t match the surrounding area.

If you have noticeable scarring from past hair transplant procedures, particularly a FUT procedure, then revision hair transplant can help minimize the scarring. Healthy follicular units are typically harvested from the backs and sides of the scalp, leaving some patients with large bald spots. Ideally, the donor sites are easily covered with surrounding hair, but if done incorrectly, you may be left with scarring that just can’t be covered up. Revision hair transplant can be used to cover up scars to great effect.

Are Multiple Hair Transplant Surgeries Necessary?

If you’ve already had hair transplant surgery or are considering receiving treatment, you may wonder about the longevity of the results. Fortunately, newly-transplanted follicular units will continue growing hair long after transplantation. While hair transplantation surgery can greatly enhance your appearance, it doesn’t cure hair loss. Decades after receiving your first surgery you may notice that your hair no longer looks as good as it did. If that’s the case, a second hair restoration surgery is an option for most people and can revitalize your thinning hair.

Hair restoration has been around since the 1950s and modern surgeries are already lightyears ahead of the past. If you’ve previously received hair transplant surgery but are not satisfied with the results or your hair has noticeably thinned and you’re considering another procedure, schedule a consultation with Dr. Arocha to discuss your options. Call Arocha Hair Restoration today at 713-526-HAIR to schedule your appointment.