Arocha Hair Restoration

How Much Does an Eyelash Transplant Cost?

Dec 5, 2016 @ 03:00 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Facial Hair Transplants Hair Loss Hair Loss In Women Hair Loss Treatments Hair Restoration

If you are experiencing eyelash hair loss and are considering a surgical eyelash transplant to address this concern, you should know that there are many variables that are taken into account in terms of the overall price of the procedure. To start, it is necessary to see an experienced hair loss doctor to undergo a comprehensive evaluation and determine whether you are a good candidate for surgical eyelash restoration, or if another advanced option will be better for your needs. Dr. Bernardino Arocha is a board-certified hair restoration surgeon who has performed many eyelash transplant procedures over the years, and also offers non-surgical options for patients who are looking to renew the growth of their eyelashes. Once he meets with you for an initial, complimentary consultation, Dr. Arocha can talk with you about the options best-suited to your individual needs.

It is important to remember that, while the cost of eyelash transplantation is always an important factor to consider, it is not the most important factor. The reputation and credentials of the surgeon, in addition to the types of techniques offered at the practice, should be very high priorities. The surgeon’s fees along with the method of transplantation and operatory fees will all factor into the overall cost. Since each person’s needs and goals are unique, the cost of eyelash restoration varies among individual patients. During the initial consultation, Dr. Arocha will examine the areas targeted for treatment and determine the treatment method that will be most ideal. He will also create a detailed treatment plan, and a member of our team will provide an estimate of the overall cost. Dr. Arocha accepts a wide range of payment options for hair restoration and works with CareCredit®, one of the most reputable healthcare financing companies in the nation. CareCredit® enables qualified applicants to choose from low-interest monthly payment plans and finance their procedure in the most convenient, affordable terms possible.

At Arocha Hair Restoration, we believe everyone should have the opportunity to achieve their goals, regardless of their financial status. We will work with you to help bring the cost of eyelash restoration into your budget. If you have questions about the cost of eyelash transplantation, or if you would like to schedule a complimentary consultation, please contact us today.