Arocha Hair Restoration

A Surgical Eyelash Transplant or LATISSE®: Which Is Better for My Needs?

Nov 28, 2016 @ 03:07 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Facial Hair Transplants Hair Loss Hair Loss In Women Hair Loss Treatments Hair Restoration

In today’s advanced field of hair restoration, patients have a number of options when it comes to restoring a full, thick, long set of beautiful eyelashes. Dr. Bernardino Arocha, our board-certified hair loss surgeon, understands the emotional turmoil that eyelash loss can cause. That’s why he is committed to providing both medical and surgical treatment options for eyelash restoration that have proven to provide patients with the best possible results and outcomes that look natural. With that in mind, how does one know whether surgical eyelash restoration or a non-surgical, topical solution such as LATISSE® will be the more ideal option?

The thing to remember about LATISSE® is that it is primarily designed to work on active hair follicles. LATISSE® is a prescription-based topical solution that can be applied at home, and it works to stimulate the growth of eyelashes to create fuller, thicker results. This solution is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of hypotrichosis (inadequate eyelash growth) and has helped many patients suffering from eyelash hair loss successfully renew their eyelashes. With that in mind, LATISSE® is not typically effective for patients who have inactive, irreparably damaged hair follicles in the eyelids. If the follicles do not have the ability to grow healthy hairs, then LATISSE® may not be the right solution.

Surgical eyelash transplants may be the best treatment for patients who no longer have healthy hair follicles in the eyelids that can be stimulated into new growth patterns. This option moves donor strands of hair from the back or sides of the head to the eyelids, creating the opportunity for new, fine hair growth that appears thicker and more dense. Eyelash restoration surgery can be a good option for those with hypotrichosis as well as for patients who simply want to attain fuller, longer, and thicker eyelashes without the daily hassle of applying mascara and eyeliner.

Dr. Arocha will meet with you for an initial, complimentary consultation to help you determine whether surgical or non-surgical eyelash restoration will be better for your unique needs.