Can FUE Hair Transplants Fail? By Bernard Arocha, MD on May 16, 2023

FUE hair transplant patientFollicular unit excision (FUE) is a hair transplant procedure that can rebuild the hairline and restore volume to balding or thinning areas of the scalp. FUE is the preferred hair transplant technique for many of Dr. Bernardino A. Arocha’s Houston, TX, patients because it offers natural-looking results without overly noticeable scars.

An FUE hair transplant is safe, effective, and minimally invasive. With all the benefits of treatment, it is natural to wonder about potential risks. Specifically, patients often ask, “Can FUE hair transplants fail?” Here, Dr. Arocha discusses anticipated FUE transplant results and the possibility of FUE failure.

Anticipated FUE Hair Transplant Results

Around two to three weeks after an FUE hair transplant, newly transplanted follicular units shed. The follicles then enter a dormant phase. This is a natural part of FUE recovery and not a sign of treatment failure. Follicles heal and settle into their new position, typically resulting in new hair growth around three to five months after surgery. Hair growth may be slow initially, but should become apparent nine months after treatment. Results continue to improve, with most patients noticing significant hair growth between 12 and 18 months post-treatment.

Can FUE Fail?

Most FUE hair transplants are successful, but complications can occur. FUE treatment may be considered a failure if surgical results do not meet the patient’s expectations. Examples of FUE failure include lack of hair growth, poor hair density or distribution, bald spots, patchy-looking results, complications affecting the health of the scalp in the donor area, or problems with transplanted hair follicles.

Causes of FUE Failure

FUE failure is extremely rare among our Houston patients. When complications occur after an FUE hair transplant, there are several possible reasons why they occur. The most common causes of FUE failure include:

  • Post-operative infection (infection can damage hair follicles and prevent hair growth)
  • Poor patient aftercare practices
  • Surgical error or surgeon inexperience

Minimizing the Risk of FUE Hair Transplant Failure

The risk of FUE failure is low. Dr. Arocha further minimizes the risk of FUE failure for his Houston patients by taking the following precautions:

  • A thorough screening for FUE candidacy: FUE is a suitable option for many hair transplant patients, but not all. Dr. Arocha examines patients to determine if they are better suited for FUE hair transplant or follicular unit transplantation (FUT).
  • Extensive surgical planning: Dr. Arocha plans each stage of surgery to promote the safety and effectiveness of treatment.
  • Patient education: We provide patients with detailed pre and post-op care instructions to prepare them for surgery and ensure they have information regarding proper aftercare practices.
  • Proper follow-up care: Dr. Arocha schedules follow-up appointments with patients to monitor recovery and address any potential complications that arise.

Patients can do their part to minimize the risk of FUE failure by choosing an experienced and knowledgeable hair transplant surgeon, such as Dr. Arocha, and by carefully following all provided pre and post-surgical care instructions.

Contact Us

If you are concerned with hair loss or a receding hairline, you may be a candidate for hair transplant surgery. To learn more about the FUE technique and expected hair transplant results, contact our hair restoration and transplant center online to request a personal consultation with Dr. Bernardino A. Arocha.

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Arocha Hair Restoration

Since 2002, Bernardino A. Arocha, M.D. has been transforming lives through the power of hair restoration. With an artistic approach and a variety of procedures available, Arocha Hair Restoration has a track record of providing stunning results. Dr. Arocha is affiliated with prominent organizations with memberships that include:

  • Diplomate, American Board of Hair Restoration Surgery (ABHRS)
  • Fellow, International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS)
  • American Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ASHRS)
  • American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS)

If you're ready for a full head of hair, we invite you to contact us with our form or call us at (713) 526-4247.

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