Arocha Hair Restoration

How to Prevent Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

Jun 16, 2023 @ 11:28 AM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: How To Prevent Hair Loss After Bariatric Surgery

Many people who undergo bariatric surgery are surprised to learn that hair loss is a possible side effect of this procedure. Hair loss is typically temporary; it is caused by a condition called telogen effluvium, which can affect people who have experienced a big change to their body or undergone an extremely stressful event. At Arocha Hair Restoration in HoustonTX, we offer tips to encourage hair regrowth, as well as a range of hair loss treatment options to treat more permanent hair loss. Here, we discuss how to prevent hair loss after bariatric surgery.

Focus on Proper Nutrition

Good nutrition can prevent hair loss after bariatric surgery. However, your diet is restricted after bariatric surgery. That is why it is so important to speak with your bariatric medical team to ensure you are getting the nutrients you need to safely recover from surgery and prevent hair loss. Your surgeon and nutritionist should provide you with a thorough list of the foods you can consume during each recovery stage of weight loss surgery to reduce the risk of hair loss.

Following bariatric surgery, focusing on these nutrients can help prevent hair loss and promote hair regrowth:

Take Vitamins and Supplements as Directed

After your surgery, your medical team may provide you with vitamins or supplements in a pill or drinkable form. It is important to take all of these as directed to ensure you are getting proper nutrition, not just for your health, but your hairline as well.

Drink Water

Staying hydrated is one of the best things you can do for your body. However, you will need to drink water on a schedule after weight loss surgery because the size of the stomach has been reduced. Be sure to follow your medical team’s recommended hydration schedule.

Reduce Stress

Stress can be a contributor to hair loss. Do what you can to minimize stress after bariatric surgery. Consider joining a support group, taking on a low-impact new hobby, or anything else you can do to reduce stress and anxiety levels. And as you recover from weight loss surgery, start a regular exercise routine. Exercise can reduce stress and improve your mood.

Avoid Stress on Your Hair

As you go through this period of temporary hair loss, try to be as gentle as possible with your hair. Brush lightly, avoid the use of heat and other styling products, and try not to pull it back in tight hairstyles.

When Will My Hair Grow Back?

Most hair loss after bariatric surgery is temporary. Expect to see hair regrowth a few months after surgery. If you don’t see the hair regrowth you desire, consider visiting our practice to learn more about your hair loss treatment options. We offer a number of effective treatments at our Houston office, including FUE Hair Transplants, FUT Hair Transplants, LaserCap LCPRO Hair Loss Treatment, and more.

Contact our Practice Today

Contact Arocha Hair Restoration in Houston today to schedule a consultation. Send us a message online or give us a call.