Arocha Hair Restoration

What Are My Options for Preventing Hair Loss?

Sep 27, 2018 @ 06:12 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Loss Hair Loss Research Hair Loss Treatments Premature Hair Loss

Androgenetic alopecia, also known as male and female pattern baldness, is an unfortunate part of the aging process for many men and women. While completely preventing the progression of hair loss is impossible, steps can be taken using the latest in hair loss treatments and medication to slow it down and keep your hair thick and youthful for years to come.

At Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center, Dr. Arocha and our team of hair loss experts are ready to share all of the latest methods to prevent hair loss with you. If you have noticed a regressing hairline or the development of bald spots on your scalp, then make sure you take advantage of the most recent advancements in hair loss science to maintain your hair for as long as possible.

Proven and Trusted Hair Loss Medication

While many myths exist surrounding the use of multivitamins, snake oils, essential oils and more to prevent hair loss, the only two FDA-approved and clinically-backed products that effectively fight back against hair loss are Propecia and Rogaine. Other products that claim to “cure” hair loss are often deceptive and take advantage of the lowered self-esteem that going bald can create. After all, if a simple multivitamin or essential oil could eliminate hair loss, then why are people still going bald?

Propecia, an oral medication, uses the active ingredient finasteride to slow hair loss and even revive dormant follicles. Rogaine, a topical hair product, contains the active ingredient minoxidil, a medication that has been proven to slow the progression of hair loss by inhibiting the effects of the main culprit responsible for killing follicles: dihydrotestosterone (DHT). This androgen, present in both men and women, gradually slows hair growth in follicles located on the scalp. While experts are still unsure why hair follicles become more sensitive to DHT over time, a hair loss treatment plan that combines the use of Rogaine and Propecia can have a noticeable and positive effect on the scalp.

Treat Your Hair with Care

Practicing good hair care is essential not only for having thick, well-nourished hair but also for preventing unnecessary hair loss. Excessively heating and drying using blow dryers and other hair care devices can damage hair strands over time, causing them to become thin and brittle. Using low heat at a safe distance and keeping your hair nourished with shampoo and conditioner can allow you to style your hair the way you want without putting undue stress on your hair.

Similarly, be careful when styling your hair in tight braids or ponytails. Excessive tension on the roots of your hair may damage the follicles. Too much tension on the scalp can even lead to bald spots and the development of traction alopecia, a separate type of hair loss characterized by too much pulling force on the scalp. When dealing with age-related hair loss, the last thing you need is to create unnecessary damage and additional problems by styling your hair too tightly.

While these sorts of simple adjustments to your ongoing hair care routine may not completely prevent the progression of androgenetic alopecia, they can help you maintain the hair that you currently have by keeping it happy and healthy. With the combination of hair loss medication, you can make a positive impact on the state of your hair for years to come with only a few simple steps.

Schedule Some Advanced Hair Loss Treatments

While hair loss medication and simple adjustments to your everyday routine can make an improvement on their own, men and women interested in taking comprehensive measures should also utilize the latest advancements in hair loss. At Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center, Dr. Arocha offers advanced combination therapy to provide his patients with comprehensive hair loss treatment.

Looking Ahead: Planning for Transplants

While hair transplants used to be associated with an unnatural and “pluggy” look due to outdated procedures, modern hair restoration can create results that are seamless and blend in with surrounding hair. During hair transplantation surgery, Dr. Arocha removes healthy and DHT-resistant follicles from non-balding areas of the scalp and transfers them to thinning sections to rebuild and restore hair growth. The hair that grows in is completely natural and can be styled, washed and cared for like normal.

While all of the methods listed above can make a large dent in preventing hair loss, even the most diligent hair loss patients will continue to see a gradual loss of hair density over time. Planning ahead by scheduling a consultation with a hair loss expert will allow you to discuss the possibility of hair transplants down the road. During a consultation, Dr. Arocha can explain the steps of the two main hair transplant procedures and what sort of results you can expect. He can also recommend adjustments that you can make in the meantime to prevent hair loss as much as possible.

Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center

At Arocha Hair Restoration and Transplant Center, we believe in offering FDA-approved and well-researched hair treatments that allow our patients to maintain their youthful, thick hair well into the future. We understand how closely your hair can be tied to your overall confidence, and Dr. Arocha approaches each of his patients with an unrivaled sense of understanding and care. If your self-confidence has been affected by hair loss or you wish to take preemptive hair care methods, call us today at 713-526-HAIR or 713-526-4247 to schedule your consultation with Dr. Arocha.