Arocha Hair Restoration

Robotic Hair Transplant - Meet ARTAS

Oct 18, 2017 @ 09:01 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Arocha Hair Restoration

When you’re researching your options for hair transplant procedures, there are a lot of things to consider - will the follicular unit extraction (FUE) technique work better for you, or is follicular unit transplant (FUT) the better choice? Now, with more and more advances in hair transplant methods, Dr. Arocha is pleased to offer the ARTAS® Robotic System to his patients to provide you with even more precise and realistic results.

What is the ARTAS® Robotic System?

The ARTAS® Robotic System was first introduced in 2008 at the annual meeting of the International Society of Hair Restoration Surgeons (ISHRS). Shortly thereafter, clinical trials began to test the safety and effectiveness of the system. In 2011, the FDA approved the ARTAS® system for use, and the next generation of hair transplant options was created.

To better explain how the ARTAS® Robotic System works, we have to first understand the FUE technique. Follicular unit extraction is when individual hair follicles are harvested from the donor site using a tiny punch, no more than .8 millimeters around. This technique not only reduces any chance of scarring (unlike the FUT procedure, which leaves a linear scar in the donor area), but also provides a more natural looking result. Because it is a slow and meticulous procedure, FUE tends to be a better option for patients who have a smaller transplant area, or who prefer to wear their hair in a shorter style. The recovery time is minimal, and the results are fantastic!

What Should I Expect From the ARTAS® Robotic System Procedure?

The ARTAS® system utilizes the FUE technique in its technology, and is an even more precise tool for transplanting hair from the back or sides of your head into other areas where hair is thinning. After Dr. Arocha prepares the donor area for harvesting (trimming the hair and applying local anesthetic), the ARTAS® system will digitize the donor area, creating a virtual map to guide it, allowing it to locate and harvest each specific follicle to be transplanted. After enough hairs have been harvested, they are placed in the areas where you have thinning hair.

The ARTAS® Robotic System is a state-of-the-art way to boost the already innovative FUE technique. When Dr. Arocha uses the ARTAS® system, he is able to harvest the donor hair more quickly from a larger area, but with the same results as if he performed the procedure manually. It is virtually painless, requires no sutures, and leaves nearly invisible scars. The ARTAS® system is a solution for hair loss that is not only effective for both men and women, but the permanent end result is so beautiful and natural that no one will be able to tell that you had hair transplant surgery. Downtime for recovery is no more than two days, and by six to nine months after your surgery, you will see your permanent hair growing in and filling the areas where you experienced hair loss.

If you are considering hair transplant surgery, look no further than Arocha Hair Restoration. Dr. Arocha is experienced in the most up-to-date techniques to restore your hair and boost your confidence. Call us today at 713-526-HAIR to schedule an appointment for a consultation, and find out if the ARTAS® Robotic System is right for you.