Arocha Hair Restoration

Female Pattern Hair Loss

Oct 16, 2017 @ 06:57 PM — by Bernard Arocha, MD
Tagged with: Hair Loss In Women

When you think of hair loss or pattern baldness, the first thing that may come to mind is the receding hairline or thinning hair that marks male pattern baldness in men. But did you know that many women also suffer from pattern hair loss? It’s a condition known as androgenetic alopecia, and it affects nearly 60 percent of women by the time they reach menopause.

What Causes Hair Loss in Women?

If you’re a woman, you probably notice a fair amount of shedding happening daily, which is normal - most people lose between 50-100 hairs per day. For most women, there are also other factors that contribute to excessive hair loss over their lifetime, including: These events cause “stress shedding,” and the lost hair usually grows back. However, for the one in four women who are genetically predisposed to hair loss, once the hair is gone, it’s not coming back.

What is Female Pattern Hair Loss?

Like male pattern baldness, female pattern hair loss is hereditary. And like male pattern baldness, female pattern hair loss is thought to be connected to hormones, as it typically becomes more common around the age where a woman begins menopause. The primary difference between the two is the pattern of hair loss itself. For men with male pattern baldness, hair loss begins at the front of the head, causing the hairline to recede until they are completely bald. In women, the hair begins to thin along the natural part of their hair, and sometimes at the temples. Unlike men, women are less likely to lose all of their hair, but they will have noticeably thinner tresses.

If you notice that you’re losing more hair than usual, or that your hair is thinning in some areas, you should see a doctor. They will be able to examine you and run the necessary tests to see if you have female pattern baldness, or if your hair loss is caused by other issues.

How to Prevent Hair Loss

While female pattern hair loss is caused by heredity, there are other factors that contribute to hair loss in women. You might not be able to dodge genetics, but you can protect your hair from further breakage or damage in the following ways: The most important thing to remember is that while female pattern baldness is a progressive condition, the affected areas can be restored successfully with beautiful results.

At Arocha Hair Restoration, we understand that female hair loss can be embarrassing and damaging to your confidence. We provide several surgical and non-surgical options for treating hair loss in women, from topical solutions like ROGAINE® to advanced hair therapy. If you have a more advanced case of thinning hair, Dr. Arocha is experienced in hair restoration surgical techniques such as follicular unit transplantation (FUT) and follicular unit extraction (FUE). Whatever your needs, Dr. Arocha will consider your goals and answer any questions you might have about the procedures we offer.

If you are suffering from thinning hair, call our office today at 716-523-HAIR to schedule an appointment for a consultation.